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Fillable forms are not viewable within a web browser.Content Managers: Please do not link directly to these documents use the Master Document List to retrieve correct links.AP 1230 (Get Link) Blackboard Connect (Connect Ed) Guidelines AP 1605 (Get Link) Student Participation in Media Requests AP 4520 (Get Link) Position Analysis - New Job Description AP 5004 (Get Link) Maintaining Student Permanent Academic Records AP 5006 (Get Link) Maintenance of Special Education Records AP 5009 (Get Link) Requested Special Education Records - Missing AP 5012 (Get Link) Temporary Protection Order, Order of Protection, Restraining Order, Order of Custody, AP 5050 (Get Link) Class Record Book Procedures AP 5051 (Get Link) Cumulative Folder Procedures AP 5052 (Get Link) Student Enrollment Count for Apportionment Purposes (Preparation and Implementation) AP 5053 (Get Link) AP Enrollment: Students Who Leave the District to Enroll in a Treatment Facility AP 5054 (Get Link) Temporary or No Guardianship AP 5107 (Get Link) Student Uniforms: Procedure for Creating a Site--Based Policy AP 5107-Sp (Get Link) Student Uniforms: Procedure for Creating a Site-Based Policy-Spanish AP 5110 (Get Link) Behavior Intervention Records in Infinite Campus AP 5125 (Get Link) Student Identification Cards AP 5410 (Get Link) Taking Attendance in Distance Education Courses AP 5420 (Get Link) Attendance of Children in Transition AP 5421 (Get Link) Attendance Summary Reports AP 5422 (Get Link) Kindergarten Attendance AP 5504 (Get Link) Grading: Incompletes / Appeals AP 5505 (Get Link) Repeated Courses AP 5506 (Get Link) Withholding of Grades AP 5507 (Get Link) Grading: No Mark AP 5511 (Get Link) Ranking/Recognition (7th & 8th Semester) AP 5512 (Get Link) Millennium Scholarship AP 5513 (Get Link) Non-Graduate Students Seeking a Diploma AP 5514 (Get Link) Transcript Dates and Posting AP 5515 (Get Link) Transcript Evaluation AP 5516 (Get Link) Transcript Production AP 5517 (Get Link) Veteran's High School Diploma AP 5518 (Get Link) Credit Deficient Students AP 5710 (Get Link) Removal of a Student Record - Non-Substantiated Bullying Accusation AP 5711 (Get Link) Attendance of Pregnant/Parenting Students AP 6130 (Get Link) Work and Study Credit AP 6210 (Get Link) Delayed Graduation AP 6211 (Get Link) Early Graduate AP 6212 (Get Link) Fifth-Year Graduates and Delayed Graduation AP 6213 (Get Link) Diploma Dates AP 6214 (Get Link) Graduation - Appeal of Prohibition on Adornment AP 6215 (Get Link) General Educational Development Exam - GED AP 6220 (Get Link) Age of Majority (18-Year-Olds) AP 6222 (Get Link) Early Promotion to High School AP 6224 (Get Link) Incoming 9th Graders AP 6226 (Get Link) Eighteen-Year Old Student Enrollment AP 6228 (Get Link) Extended Time Between School Enrollments AP 6229 (Get Link) Grade Level Classification AP 6230 (Get Link) Concurrently Enrolled Students AP 6231 (Get Link) Late Entry AP 6232 (Get Link) Student Returning From Studying Abroad AP 6233 (Get Link) In-District Transfer-20 Days or Less Remaining in Semester AP 6234 (Get Link) Private, Charter, or Home School Enrollment in District Class AP 6235 (Get Link) Retention of 8th Grade Students AP 6237 (Get Link) Taking High School Courses on the Middle School Campus AP 6238 (Get Link) Withdrawal From Class-High School AP 6240 (Get Link) Denial of Consent for Media release AP 6246 (Get Link) Age of Entrance - Elementary School AP 6260 (Get Link) Student Aide/Assistant Credit AP 6261 (Get Link) Credit for Enrichment/Intervention Periods - High School AP 6262 (Get Link) Physical Education (PE) Waiver AP 6263 (Get Link) Accredited Certificates for High School Credit AP 6264 (Get Link) North Star Online High School AP 6265 (Get Link) Spanish for Spanish Speakers: Courses 3-4 & 5-6 AP 6266 (Get Link) CLEP Exams for High School Credit AP 6268 (Get Link) Dropping Programs AP 6271 (Get Link) North Star Online School - Middle School AP 6272 (Get Link) North Star Online School - Elementary School AP 6273 (Get Link) CBI Credit Recovery Teacher Guide AP 6302 (Get Link) Mathematics Credit - High School AP 6303 (Get Link) Mathematics Credit - Middle School AP 6310 (Get Link) Earning Credit AP 6311 (Get Link) Credit by Exam AP 6312 (Get Link) Academic Load Requirement AP 6313 (Get Link) Taking Class for Audit AP 6314 (Get Link) Credit Exceptions AP 6315 (Get Link) Dual Credit AP 6327 (Get Link) Orientation for a Distance Education Program AP 6405 (Get Link) Final Assessments in High School and Middle School AP 6406 (Get Link) Recovering Credit Through A Mastery Exam AP 6407 (Get Link) Courses Approved For Credit Through A Mastery Exam AP 6420 (Get Link) Extended Vacation/Trip AP 6610 (Get Link) Enrolling Speech Only Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten Students AP 6620 (Get Link) Grading: Comprehensive Life Skills/Strategies Classes AP 6630 (Get Link) Arts/Humanities Credit - High School AP 6632 (Get Link) Health Credit - High School AP 6633 (Get Link) HSROTC - High School AP 6634 (Get Link) Master Course File AP 6635 (Get Link) Social Studies AP 6636 (Get Link) Supervised Curriculum PE - High School AP 6637 (Get Link) Advanced Placement AP 6638 (Get Link) Honors Courses AP 6639 (Get Link) Music Honors Credit AP 6642 (Get Link) Plagiarism and Cheating Prohibited AP 6645 (Get Link) Creating a New Course AP 6647 (Get Link) Career & Technology Education - Tech Prep Retroactive Credit AP 6649 (Get Link) Science Credit AP 6651 (Get Link) Physical Education Options - High School AP 6705 (Get Link) Earning Credit for High School English Language Development Courses AP 6706 (Get Link) Earning Credit for Middle School English Language Development Courses AP 6707 (Get Link) Credit Deficient and Age 18+ English Learners AP 6708 (Get Link) Placement of English Learners in High School Courses AP 6709 (Get Link) Placement of English Learners in Middle School Courses AP 6710 (Get Link) Late Entry English Learners (Middle & High School) AP 6711 (Get Link) Initial Registration and Assessment of Incoming and Newcomer English Learners (Middle & High School) Ap 6714 (Get Link) Secondary Newcomer English Learner Services AP 6716 (Get Link) Identification, Assessment, and Eligibility for English Learner Courses AP 6719 (Get Link) English Learner Tier I -Elementary Program Implementation AP 6720 (Get Link) English Learner Student Scheduling at Elementary School Sites AP 6730 (Get Link) Two-Way Immersion Program AP 6770 (Get Link) Edgenuity Courses AP 6809 (Get Link) Timeline For Logging Special Education Services AP 7121-A (Get Link) Facility Use Application Terms & Conditions AP 7152 (Get Link) Site Facility Coordinator Responsibilities - Non-School Days AP 7207 (Get Link) Information Technology - Configuration Management AP 7208 (Get Link) Information Technology - Cybersecurity AP 7226 (Get Link) IT Disaster Recovery AP 7227 (Get Link) IT Vulnerability Management AP 7228 (Get Link) Information Technology - Asset Management AP 7229 (Get Link) Information Techology - Approved Software AP 7230 (Get Link) Information Technology - Account Management AP 7231 (Get Link) Information Technology - Account Management Department Procedure AP 7232 (Get Link) Virtual Private Network (VPN) (Formerly IT-P005) AP 7241 (Get Link) Website Content Management AP 7242 (Get Link) Privileged Access Acceptable Use Procedure AP 7325 (Get Link) Children and Pets at Worksite and on Fieldtrips AP 7335 (Get Link) Hot Air Baloons, Helicopters, Model Rocketry and Pyrotechnics AP 7340 (Get Link) Renting a Vehicle While on District Business AP 7345 (Get Link) Prohibited Activities on District Property AP 7346 (Get Link) Non-Staff Riding Buses AP 9202 (Get Link) Sexual Harassment and Title IX Procedures for the Title IX Coordinator AP 9203 (Get Link) Sexual Harassment and Title IX Procedures for the TItle IX Investigator AP 9204 (Get Link) Sexual Harassment and Title IX Procedures for the Title IX Decision-Maker AP-P002 (Get Link) Encumbrances Year End Procedure AP-P003 (Get Link) Mileage, Expense Reports and Other Non-Encumbered Payments AP-P004 (Get Link) Accounts Payable Check Processing Procedure AP-P005 (Get Link) Vendor Account Maintenance Procedure AP-P006 (Get Link) Non-Routine Expense Procedures AP-P009 (Get Link) Purchasing Card Issuance AP-P011 (Get Link) Voiding Accounts Payable Checks Procedure AP-P012 (Get Link) Business Office Requisition Approval Procedure AP-P013 (Get Link) Travel / Expense Claim Procedure AP-P014 (Get Link) Matching Accounts Payable Check Run Procedure AP-P015 (Get Link) Import Purchasing Card Charges to Accounts Payable Procedure AP-P017 (Get Link) Stale Dated Checks AP-W001 (Get Link) Encumbered Payments Work Instruction AP-W002 (Get Link) Mileage, Expense Reports, and Other Non-Encumbered Payments Work Instruction AP-W004 (Get Link) Payroll Check Sorting Distribution Work Instruction AP-W005 (Get Link) Vendor Account Maintenance Work Instruction AR-P001 (Get Link) Cash Receipts Procedure AR-P002 (Get Link) Accounts Receivable Invoicing Procedure AR-P003 (Get Link) Accounts Receivable Returned Checks Procedure BEN-P001 (Get Link) Name and/or Address Change Procedure BEN-P002 (Get Link) Benefit Change for Retirees Procedure BEN-P003 (Get Link) PERS Notice of Rate Change Procedure BEN-P004 (Get Link) Benefits for New Hires Procedure BEN-P005 (Get Link) Cash Receipts Log Procedure BEN-P006 (Get Link) Loss of Benefit Coverage Procedure BEN-P007 (Get Link) Long Term Disability Procedure BEN-P008 (Get Link) Non-Member PHI Inquiry Procedure BEN-P009 (Get Link) Member PHI Inquiry Procedure BEN-P010 (Get Link) Handling of PHI Sensitive Material Procedure BEN-P011 (Get Link) PHI Inquiries from Business Associates, Public Health, Attorneys, Court Orders and Subpoena Procedure BEN-P012 (Get Link) Release of PHI to Legal Counsel Procedure BEN-P014 (Get Link) Storage of Claims Related PHI Procedure BEN-P015 (Get Link) Individual Requests Regarding Use, Inspection, And/or Correction of PHI Procedure BEN-P016 (Get Link) Privacy Notice Procedure BEN-P017 (Get Link) Benefit Training on PHI Procedure BEN-P018 (Get Link) Investigation of PHI Complaints and Violations Procedure BEN-P019 (Get Link) Life Insurance Death Benefit Procedure BEN-P020 (Get Link) Retiree Open Window Procedure BEN-P021 (Get Link) ESIP Benefits Procedure BEN-P022 (Get Link) Dependent Change Addition / Deletion Procedure BEN-P023 (Get Link) COBRA & Leaves of Absence Procedure BEN-P024 (Get Link) Waiver of Premium Procedure BEN-P025 (Get Link) Open Enrollment & Open Enrollment Changes Procedure BEN-P026 (Get Link) Shared-Contract Waiver of Insurance Benefits Procedure BEN-P027 (Get Link) Access to Healthcare Network Procedure BEN-W001 (Get Link) Special Enrollment Rights Guidelines Work Instruction BUD-P501 (Get Link) School Allocation Process Procedure BUD-P502 (Get Link) Budget Transfer for Non-Grant Funds Procedure BUD-P503 (Get Link) PERS Reporting Procedure BUD-P504 (Get Link) Budget Analysis Procedure BUD-P505 (Get Link) Revenue Projection (General Fund) Procedure BUD-P506 (Get Link) Revenue & Cost Projection – Other Funds Procedure BUD-P508 (Get Link) Allocation Report Procedure BUD-P509 (Get Link) Cost Projection (General Fund) Procedure BUD-P510 (Get Link) Salary and Benefit (General Fund) Procedure BUD-P511 (Get Link) Minimum Expenditure Requirement Procedure BUD-P512 (Get Link) Position Budget Modeling Procedure BUD-W501 (Get Link) Budget Transfers for Non-Grant Funds Work Instruction BUD-W502 (Get Link) PERS Employee Forms and Employee Orientation Work Instruction BUD-W503 (Get Link) Position Budget Modeling Work Instruction HEA-P120 (Get Link) Health Assessment and Other Screening HEA-P1250 (Get Link) Management of Head Lice in Schools HEA-P201 (Get Link) Administration of Diastat HKO-G300 (Get Link) Elementary Site Facility Coordinator Daily Duties HKO-G302 (Get Link) Site Facilities Coordinator Responsibilities HKO-G304 (Get Link) Custodian Daily Duties HKO-G305 (Get Link) Site Facility Coordinator Maintenance/Safety Responsibilities HKO-G315 (Get Link) High School Site Facility Coordinators Daily Duties HKO-G316 (Get Link) Lead Custodian Daily Duties HKO-P001 (Get Link) Housekeeping Procedure for Purchasing of Custodial Supplies HKO-P100 (Get Link) Annex Supply Purchasing Procedure HKO-P201 (Get Link) Sewer Back-Up (Category 3) Remediation Procedure HKO-P301 (Get Link) Bodily Fluids Cleanup Procedure HKO-W200 (Get Link) Process Cleaning for Health-Custodian HKO-W201 (Get Link) Process Cleaning for Health; Site Facility Coordinator and Lead Custodial Work Instructions HR-L100 (Get Link) ESP Selection, Hiring & Onboarding Process Checklist HR-L200 (Get Link) Certified Selection, Hiring, & Onboarding Process Checklist HR-P001 (Get Link) Posting Credit Procedure HR-P004 (Get Link) New Employee Hiring for Administrative, Pro-Tech, Certified Personnel and Procedure HR-P005 (Get Link) Matriculation for Certified Personnel Procedure HR-P007 (Get Link) Verification of Experience HR-P009 (Get Link) Use of Sick Leave/Sick Bank Procedure HR-P013 (Get Link) Certified Employee Separation Procedure HR-P014 (Get Link) Hiring of a Pro-Tech HR-P015 (Get Link) Certified Auditing of Charter Schools HR-P017 (Get Link) Employment Status Change Procedure HR-P018 (Get Link) Certified National Board Procedure HR-P020 (Get Link) Certified/Administrator Insurance Eligibility HR-P024 (Get Link) FMLA Procedure HR-P600 (Get Link) Employee Grievance Procedure HR-P604 (Get Link) Education Support Professionals Employee Discipline Procedure PAY-L001 (Get Link) Certified Hour Codes PAY-L002 (Get Link) ESP (Classified) Hour Codes PAY-L005 (Get Link) Payclass Listing PAY-L034 (Get Link) Certified Pay Cycle - Even Year PAY-L036 (Get Link) Certified Pay Cycle PAY-L045 (Get Link) Classified Pay Cycles - Even Years PAY-L046 (Get Link) Classified Pay Cycles PAY-P502 (Get Link) Site Procedure for Processing OT/AT/Comp Time PAY-P504 (Get Link) Site Procedure for Flex Time Usage PAY-P505 (Get Link) Site Procedure for Payroll Records Retention PC-P001 (Get Link) Allocation Approval Procedure PC-P002 (Get Link) School Allocation Auditing Procedure PC-P003 (Get Link) School Excel Spreadsheets Procedure PC-P004 (Get Link) Categorical Grant Procedure PC-W001 (Get Link) Active Employee Assignments CDD PC1000 Report PIC-P001 (Get Link) Coordination of Physical Inventory PIC-P002 (Get Link) Issuance of Asset Tags PIC-P003 (Get Link) Ordering of Asset Tags PIC-P005 (Get Link) Transfer of Fixed Assets PIC-P006 (Get Link) Disposal/Retirement of Fixed Assets PIC-P007 (Get Link) Fixed Asset Reconciliation PIC-P009 (Get Link) Donated Assets Procedure PIC-P010 (Get Link) Stolen Assets Procedure PIC-P011 (Get Link) Missing Assets Procedure PLI-P001 (Get Link) Student Injury Procedure PUR-310 (Get Link) Annual Report Concerning Projects Awarded Based on Preference as Defined in NRS 338 to the State of Nevada's Legislative Counsel Bureau PUR-311 (Get Link) Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) Annual Reporting to the State of Nevada's Legislative Counsel Bureau PUR-312 (Get Link) Local Emerging Small Business Semi-Annual Reporting to the Governor's Office of Economic Development PUR-313 (Get Link) Quarterly Reporting of Awarded Public Works Projects for $25,000 and Above to the Board of Trustees PUR-314 (Get Link) Notice of Protest-Appeal of ROA for Public Works and Non-Capital Solicitations v1 PUR-320 (Get Link) Renewals of Solicitations, Contracts, and Agreements PUR-326 (Get Link) Contract Review with Exchange of Money PUR-327 (Get Link) Contract Review with No Exchange of Money PUR-330 (Get Link) Formal Request for Quote for Public Works Project PUR-331 (Get Link) Formal Request for Bid for Public Works Project PUR-332 (Get Link) Request for Proposals for Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) for Public Works Projects PUR-340 (Get Link) Informal Quote Requests for Non-Capital Purchases PUR-341 (Get Link) Request for Formal Quotes for Non-Capital Purchases PUR-342 (Get Link) Formal Requests for Bids for Non-Capital Purchases PUR-343 (Get Link) Requests for Proposals and Request for Qualifications PUR-350 (Get Link) Formal Solicitation Process to Contract with Food Service Management and Consulting Companies for the Food and Nutrition Program(s) PUR-351 (Get Link) Competitive Solicitation Requirement for Purchases Using Federal Funds Subject to 2 CFR 200.030 and 2 CFR Appendix II WCK-P030 (Get Link) Processing Worker's Compensation Claims WCK-P031 (Get Link) Wage Verification - Worker's Compensation Claims WCK-P032 (Get Link) Waiver of Premium Notification WCK-P034 (Get Link) Site Filing for Worker’s Compensation Claim WCK-p035 (Get Link) OSHA Posting Requirement WCK-P036 (Get Link) Appeals of Worker's Compensation WCK-P037 (Get Link) Light Duty / Modified Return to Work WCK-P039 (Get Link) Worker's Compensation Audit WHS-P400 (Get Link) Distribution Warehouse Standard Operations WHS-P410 (Get Link) Stores Inventory for Distribution Warehouse Procedure WHS-P420 (Get Link) Teachers' Warehouse Partners-in-Education (PIE) Procedure Adobe Acrobat Reader - Most of the district's forms are presented in the Adobe Acrobat Reader format (PDF). 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