Search Administrative Regulations
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Fillable forms are not viewable within a web browser.Content Managers: Please do not link directly to these documents use the Master Document List to retrieve correct links.Reg 1141 (Get Link) Distribution and Display of Information and Materials to or Through Students Reg 1311 (Get Link) Political Activity in Schools Reg 1321 (Get Link) Participation by School Groups in Public Events Reg 1331.1 (Get Link) Use of Facilities by Traveling Youth Groups Reg 1332 (Get Link) Alcohol, Tobacco and Controlled Substances Prohibited Reg 1501 (Get Link) Volunteer Screening and Background Checks Reg 1502 (Get Link) Volunteer Protocols Reg 1506 (Get Link) Protocols for Visitors to District Property Reg 1506 - SP (Get Link) Protocolos Para Visitantes a Propiedades Del Distrito Reg 1507 (Get Link) Visitor Management Protocols Reg 1515 (Get Link) Meaningful Access: Document Translation / Language Interpretation Reg 1515-Sp (Get Link) Acceso Significativo ? Traducci?n de documentos / Interpretaci?n de idiomas Reg 1520 (Get Link) Trespass from District Property Reg 1601 (Get Link) Public Complaints - Response and Resolution Reg 1601-Sp (Get Link) Public Complaints - Response and Resolution -Spanish Reg 2111 (Get Link) Administrative Recruitment and Selection Reg 2111.2 (Get Link) Principal / Assistant Principal Selection Reg 2112.1 (Get Link) Evaluation of Administrators Reg 2112.2 (Get Link) Administrative and Professional-Technical Transfer Procedures Reg 3110 (Get Link) Preparation of Annual Operating Budget Reg 3121 (Get Link) Budget Augmentation Reg 3131 (Get Link) Position Control Reg 3160 (Get Link) Transfer of Budget Appropriations Reg 3170 (Get Link) Budget Administration Reg 3210.1 (Get Link) Student Activity Funds Reg 3211 (Get Link) Investments Reg 3230 (Get Link) Debt Management Reg 3231 (Get Link) Activities Supported by Grant Funds Reg 3240 (Get Link) Installment-Purchase Agreements (Lease Financings) Reg 3250 (Get Link) Fees and Deposits Reg 3270 (Get Link) Acquisition/Disposition of Real Property Reg 3270.1 (Get Link) Disposition of Personal Property Reg 3271 (Get Link) Rental or Lease of Teacherage Reg 3272.1 (Get Link) Grants of Money and Donations of Property Reg 3272.2 (Get Link) Purchase of Tickets to Community Events Reg 3280 (Get Link) Acceptance of Gifts, Grants or Bequests Reg 3280.1 (Get Link) Grant Applications Reg 3313 (Get Link) Vendors Reg 3322 (Get Link) Contract Review and Approval Reg 3323 (Get Link) Professional Services Reg 3329 (Get Link) Procurement Protocols - Federal Funds Reg 3330 (Get Link) Educational Specifications: Bond Fund Expenditures for Equipping New Schools and Facilities Reg 3350 (Get Link) Staff Travel: Approval and Reimbursement Procedures Reg 3410 (Get Link) System of Accounts Reg 3421 (Get Link) Accounting Regulations Reg 3434 (Get Link) Fiscal Year-End Processing and Annual Audit Reg 3440 (Get Link) Fixed Assets Inventory Reg 4100 (Get Link) Verification of Employment History Reg 4110.1 (Get Link) Recruitment and Selection - Teaching Staff Reg 4110.2 (Get Link) Department Chairpersons Reg 4111.1 (Get Link) Regulation of Nepotism Reg 4111.2 (Get Link) Personnel Records Reg 4111.5 (Get Link) Safe and Respectful Learning Environment - Staff Reg 4112 (Get Link) Appointment of Certified (Licensed) Personnel Reg 4112.1 (Get Link) Certification (Licensure) Information Required Reg 4115 (Get Link) Transfers (Teachers) Reg 4115.1 (Get Link) Backup for Administrative Personnel Reg 4117 (Get Link) Teacher Probation and Evaluation Reg 4117.1 (Get Link) Evaluations - Conflict of Interest Reg 4119 (Get Link) Separation: Licensed Employees Reg 4119.1 (Get Link) Calendar for Action on Dismissal or Non-Renewal of Contract for Post-Probationary Licensed Administrators Reg 4119.2 (Get Link) Suspension (Licensed Employee) Reg 4119.3 (Get Link) Short Term Suspension (Licensed Employee) Reg 4120 (Get Link) Early Separation Incentive Plan Reg 4121 (Get Link) Staff and Volunteer Background Checks / Fingerprinting Reg 4122 (Get Link) Substitute Teachers Reg 4130 (Get Link) In-Service Training Reg 4131 (Get Link) Professional Growth Reg 4132 (Get Link) Publication of Articles Reg 4138 (Get Link) Non-School Employment Reg 4142 (Get Link) Salary Payments to Certificated (Licensed) Personnel Reg 4142.1 (Get Link) Compensation for Accumulated Sick Leave Reg 4142.2 (Get Link) Salary Deductions Reg 4145 (Get Link) Employee Health Insurance Reg 4145.1 (Get Link) Industrial Workers' Compensation for Employees Reg 4147 (Get Link) Additional Voluntary Salary Deductions Reg 4150 (Get Link) Absences and Leaves Reg 4150.1 (Get Link) Family and Medical Leave Reg 4160 (Get Link) Mandatory Self-Reporting by Staff: Charge, Arrest or Conviction of a Crime Reg 4161 (Get Link) Drug-Free Environment Reg 4210 (Get Link) Recruitment and Selection - Classified Employees Reg 4212.1 (Get Link) Information Required - Classified Reg 4214 (Get Link) Alcohol and Controlled Substance Testing (Employees Licensed to Operate a Commercial Vehicle) Reg 4215 (Get Link) Transfers - Classified Reg 4217 (Get Link) Probationary Period - Classified Reg 4218 (Get Link) Promotions - Classified Reg 4219 (Get Link) Employee Discipline and Separation ( Non-Licensed Employees) Reg 4219-Sp (Get Link) Employee Discipline and Separation Reg 4232 (Get Link) Payment of Classified Employees Reg 4232.1 (Get Link) Salary Deductions for Classified Employees Reg 4233 (Get Link) Overtime and Compensatory Time - Classified Reg 4237.1 (Get Link) Additional Voluntary Salary Deductions - Classified Reg 4238 (Get Link) Non-School Employment - Classified Reg 4242.1 (Get Link) Compensation for Accumulated Sick leave - Classified Reg 4243 (Get Link) Absenses, Leaves and Vacations - Classified Reg 4425 (Get Link) Staff Complaint Process: Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Intimidation Reg 4430 (Get Link) Sexual Harassment and Misconduct by Staff Reg 4505 (Get Link) Investigatory Interview Process Reg 4506 (Get Link) Standards of Professional Conduct Reg 4507 (Get Link) Teacher Responsibilities and Duties Reg 4508 (Get Link) Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Automated External Defibrillator Training and Certification Plan Reg 4509 (Get Link) Request for Advanced Salary Placement Reg 4512 (Get Link) Employee Identification Badges Reg 4530 (Get Link) Ethical Standards / Conflict of Interest Reg 4560 (Get Link) Mandatory Reporting - Child Abuse, Neglect, Corporal Punishment Reg 4675 (Get Link) Staff Responsibilities: Possession of a Weapon on School District Property Prohibited Reg 5005 (Get Link) Student Educational Records Reg 5007 (Get Link) Student E-Mail Reg 5010 (Get Link) Outside Law Enforcement and Other Government Agencies: Questioning of Students and Release of Student Records Reg 5015 (Get Link) School of Choice Reg 5026 (Get Link) Uniform Grading and Reporting - Grades K-5 in an Elementary School Setting Reg 5027 (Get Link) Uniform Grading and Reporting - Grades 6-8 in a Middle School Setting Reg 5028 (Get Link) Uniform Grading & Reporting: Grades 9-12 Reg 5029 (Get Link) Graded Class Activities Conducted Outside of Regular Class Time Reg 5102 (Get Link) Student Dress Code Reg 5102 - Sp (Get Link) Código de Vestir del Estudiante Reg 5106 (Get Link) Student Uniforms - Adoption Guidelines for a School-Site Policy Reg 5117.1 (Get Link) Attendance of Non-Public School Students in Washoe County Schools on a Space Available Basis Reg 5127 (Get Link) High School Graduation Diploma Requirements Reg 5128 (Get Link) Graduation/Commencement - Participation in Ceremony Reg 5129 (Get Link) Diploma Seals, Certificates, and Endorsements Reg 5134 (Get Link) Social Events Reg 5134.7 (Get Link) Programs on School Time Reg 5135.1 (Get Link) Fundraising Drives Reg 5140 (Get Link) Student Health and Welfare Reg 5141 (Get Link) Management of Opioid-Related Drug Overdose and Administration of Opioid Antagonists Reg 5145 (Get Link) Return to Learn Concussion Management Reg 5146 (Get Link) Release of Students During School Hours Reg 5151 (Get Link) Guidelines for Regulating Student Speech Reg 5161 (Get Link) Gender Identity and Gender Non-Conformity-Students Reg 5161-Sp (Get Link) Identidad De G?nero Y Los Que No Se Identifican Como Masculino O Femenino Reg 5201 (Get Link) Family Engagement: Encouraging and Supporting Parents' Active Role in their Children's Education Reg 5205 (Get Link) Student Immunizations Reg 5326 (Get Link) District-Recognized Athletics Reg 5341 (Get Link) External Athletic Organizations Reg 5401 (Get Link) Student Attendance Reg 5600 (Get Link) Student Wellness Reg 5701 (Get Link) Student Bullying, Harassment and/or Discrimination Complaint and Appeal Procedures Reg 5702 (Get Link) Staff on Student Bullying, Harassment, and/or Discrimination - Complaint and Appeal Procedures Reg 5810 (Get Link) Use of Personal Electronic Devices by Students - Prohibited Conduct Reg 6000 (Get Link) Shared Decision-Making Reg 6111 (Get Link) School Calendars & Schedules to Relieve Overcrowding Reg 6120 (Get Link) Instructional Plans Reg 6142.1 (Get Link) Sexuality, Health and Responsibility Education (S.H.A.R.E.) Reg 6144.1 (Get Link) Recognition of Religious Beliefs and Customs Reg 6154 (Get Link) Homework Reg 6161 (Get Link) Media Selection Reg 6161.5 (Get Link) Disposal of Obsolete Instructional Materials Reg 6164.1 (Get Link) Substance Abuse Prevention Reg 6171 (Get Link) Limited English Proficiency Procedures Reg 6171.1 (Get Link) Alternative Education Program Reg 6171.2 (Get Link) Higher Education Cooperative Programs - Dual Credit Reg 6181 (Get Link) Instructional Materials Selection & Adoption Reg 6200 (Get Link) Reading: Kindergarten - Grade 3 Reg 6301 (Get Link) Mathematics Reg 6501 (Get Link) Advanced Placement/International Baccalaureate Classes Reg 6600 (Get Link) The Gateway Curriculum Reg 6701 (Get Link) Charter Schools – Performance Monitoring and Closure Reg 6801 (Get Link) Special Education Neighborhood Programming Reg 7087 (Get Link) School Closure Reg 7106 (Get Link) School Overcrowding Management Planning Reg 7107 (Get Link) Alignment of School Attendance Zones Reg 7111 (Get Link) Naming of Schools and Other District Facilities Reg 7115 (Get Link) School Name Enhancement Reg 7121 (Get Link) Community Use of School Facilities Reg 7206 (Get Link) eDiscovery - Data Compliance, Search, and Investigation Reg 7211 (Get Link) Responsible Use and Internet Safety Reg 7224 (Get Link) Guest Wireless Network Reg 7228 (Get Link) Information Technology - Authenticators Reg 7240 (Get Link) Access to Programs and Services Through Information Technology Reg 7301 (Get Link) Insurance Coverage Reg 7405 (Get Link) Candles and Other Fragrance Emitting Devices Reg 7501 (Get Link) Transportation of Students Reg 7506 (Get Link) Use of Vehicles for District Business Reg 7521 (Get Link) Service Animals Reg 7522 (Get Link) Animals on District Property and/or Events Reg 7547 (Get Link) Student Meal Costs and Unpaid Charges Reg 7611 (Get Link) Requests for Public Records Reg 9111 (Get Link) Meeting Protocols Reg 9166 (Get Link) Administrative Investigations Reg 9201 (Get Link) Title IX Sexual Harassment Adobe Acrobat Reader - Most of the district's forms are presented in the Adobe Acrobat Reader format (PDF). 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